Craigslist, in an effort to stop spammers has implemented the Craigslist Verified Accounts Policy in order to be able to sell products and services in the section Services. Some businesspeople believe spammers ruined everything for us. The number of marketers has increased, making it harder for any one person to stand out. Fortunately, there are some ways to get around this barrier. Extra resources!
You Can Get Several Craigslist PVA Accounts
There are several advantages to having multiple Craigslist PVA account. First, you don’t have to worry about being banned for spam. It’s true that you will need to do more work to be safe. We’ll address this shortly.
Having multiple Craigslist accounts verified allows you to stay one step ahead of the less ethical competitors. Craigslist can be a very competitive place, and there are people who will try to take advantage of you by flagging your post as spam. Craigslist will usually know if the flagging is appropriate. However, you can never be too prepared.
Don’t buy from providers that only create phone verified accounts
You should be very careful about this. It is best to only purchase PVAs when the providers create verified phone accounts and not recycle. Some providers try to recycle PVAs in order to reduce their overhead costs. This could be a problem for you.
You never know what kind of PVA you’re going to get with recycled PVA. Consider this–haven’t you received collection calls for a previous user when you got a new telephone number? With a recycled PVA, you may also get calls from disgruntled former customers.
It could even be worse. The PVA might already have been banned. The baggage left behind by the previous owner will be passed on to you.
You need Craigslist PVAs with Posting Services
Craigslist PVAs are required for a better level of service. To avoid being flagged a spammer, you need to consider a few factors. One thing you will need to do is change the title and content of your posts every few weeks so no one gets confused by seeing multiple identical posts.
It is possible to distinguish yourself from spammers if you spin your content or title. Spammers aren’t concerned if you see the same ad 100s of times every day. The spammers are more concerned about posting in volume than with unique content.
Geo IP PVAs can help separate you from spammers. These are those that have been created with IP addresses local to your company. Craigslist deems ghosting (posting ads outside your locality) as spam. If you get caught and do this, you may be banned. Even if you did not know that your PVA was not local, this still applies.
Using free image hosting or URL forwarding will also help you to avoid your site being banned. This method has been tested and proven to work.
All these factors make it seem as if staying out of the ban list is difficult. In a way, yes, you can outsource all of these worries to someone else, for a modest fee. What is the value of more time spent with your family?