The Reasons Your Romance is Fading And Why It Doesn’t Have To

Each time I start writing about relationships, I am reminded that, as animals, we’re guided by a primitive biological programming. This programming has the purpose of ensuring the longevity of the species, which is usually seen in the context of reproduction – find out more?

If viewed from a higher view, our interactions with individuals of a different gender can be described as romantic, enjoyable and intellectual. They are also exciting enjoyable, entertaining, and educational. We delight in these higher functions because we are the highest form of living, and perhaps the most advanced living thing in the world, even though I have had encounters with whales and dolphins who challenge that claim. At the root of it is that it is useful to realize that we are governed by our inherent instincts.

Because we don’t see ourselves as animal beings and also because we view our romantic connections and relationships as dominant factors within our lives, it hurts us when we see romantic passion fade with the passage of time because the events of life take on their own significance as competing with romantic relationships.

Do you remember your first crush from high school. You changed from a young, logical person to someone who had stars in their eyes within a few minutes. You could not focus on any other thing but the person you were now in love with. It was difficult to eat or sleep, and even more difficult to maintain an ordinary relationship. It was not your last romance, and when it ended, you experienced you were broken heart. Perhaps it appeared as if the world was over and your life was done. It is true that time heals all wounds. consequently, after a time, you recovered and became “normal” once more. In reality you were able think of a new relationship with a person else. You promised you that this time, you would “do it right” and take more care so that you won’t suffer the pain of being broken heart for the rest of your life.

There was a time when you dated and perhaps were flirty at times while you waited to meet that perfect person and love of your lives. You had fun, but experienced some difficulties throughout this time. At last, when you least anticipated it you got to meet the love of your life, fell in love and got married.

At first, it was an even more amazing experience that had been praised by all the poets and romantics of history. In addition, sex was often a regular thing however, it was extremely enjoyable. It seemed that you could not keep your eyes and hands away from each other. The years went by. Your relationship shifted as children were born, work varied and responsibilities grew. The enchantment had left and was replaced with stability, friendship and responsibility. The days of being excitedly learning new facts about one another. Sexual encounters were now commonplace and was not as enjoyable or as frequent as it previously. You might have thought occasionally you could have got married to the wrong one. The bloom was gone and it was impossible for you, you could not imagine the reason.

Rewind to the question of the biological program. Mother Nature thought that your love life was successful because it accomplished what was supposed to be done: placing offspring in an environment that is safe and nurturing in which they could develop into adults, and continue the cycle of love. As long as the children were secure and cared with the proper care, Mother Nature did not appear to care what happened to your romantic relationship. The majority of marriages end in divorce, so this was seen by fifty percent of people as the appropriate time to start this stage.

This may be somewhat depressing. There’s good news, and it’s not all lost. It might be the best time to divorce for certain people but it’s also the best time for others looking to reignite the spark that brought them together at the start. This, my dear readers, is what this piece is all about. As a member of the advanced human race, it’s your responsibility to create your life the way you’ve always imagined it. It’s not enough to just make sure you are pleasing Mother Nature.

So, how are trying to rekindle that romantic attraction with someone you know as a pair old shoes in which you’ve traveled for miles? There is a wealth of history, of family and memories that you’ve put together through the years. If your relationship is strong, you are able to begin again. The result won’t be exactly the same as at the start although it might be more successful, though in a different manner.

You may be able to bring out the person in your new lover the first day you met them if you are in a position to do this. Additionally, the person would like to be seen but doesn’t yet know how. Possibly they just require the permission of someone, or perhaps an invitation or another form of encouragement. Your experience will lead you to happiness if you listen to it. All that’s necessary is your willingness, and maybe some courage.

Take note of a fact that you should have known when you first started a relationship the fact that women and men are wired differently. It is important to appeal to your partner’s logic if woman, as this is the way he perceives his world. You need to understand that, if your man, your goal of rekindling your relationship will not be achieved until you have found the way to awaken your partner’s emotions. This is because, as woman, it’s the way she is wired. Do not spend the time explaining to her why you should ignite the flame instead, just go about it. Do not just tell her you want to be with her. show her through your every action, that you do. She will respond if there is any remnant of the girl you used to know.